Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Dino Day Reflection

Dino Day was okay but the weather was miserable. It was wet and showering a bit. What we did was we got into groups of four or five and chose from a range of dinosaur figurines, researched them and made a short documentary on them. My group chose the ankylosaurus, stegosaurus and the pterodactyl. I didn't really like the filming part and the researching, I would of preferred just reading about them or drawing them. I'm typing this just after we finished our film, so I think if the weather clears up, we might have a game of Dino Dodgeball. I'm not sure how to play this game but hopefully it's as good as normal Dodgeball. Even though Dino Day isn't finished yet, I didn't really enjoy it much. It wasn't that bad but it was quite boring.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Fireworks Question

Do you like fireworks?

Fireworks on Guy Fawkes?

Should New Zealanders celebrate a guy called Guy Fawkes who had something to do with blowing up the English Parliament? I think New Year should be celebrated with fire works as I know it is in the Philippines. Fireworks can symbolize New Year like a new beginning as a firework explodes. I absolutely think that Guy Fawkes should be celebrated without fireworks, and New Year with fireworks.