Monday, 8 September 2014

Production Summary

Production is done, and I am surprised to say that we did really well. Even though I spent most of my time on backstage, I enjoyed watching from the side. The only trouble was I had to play guitar at the beginning, and change into my costume for the first dance. I was on mic transfer and I have to say we did really well (Ethan and Astin), Astin was on mic stands and Ethan and I was on headset mics. But I have to admit Ethan did most of the transfers. My highlights was probably setting up because even though it was stressing, it was still fun. I don't think there could be any more improvements, the Productions that I have done have been pretty high quality and I think they should just keep what they're doing. My performances on the first night was a bit below average due to timidity and fear of messing up. But on the second night I improved really noticeably.